Free Printable Mail Pieces
Mail is kind of a mixed bag. On the one hand, there’s the whole mystery of what might appear in your mailbox each day. On the flip of that, bills…
Recently, when working on designing a miniature entry room, we knew that there needed to be a pile of mail on the console table. So we designed this printable to include some pieces of various sizes and shapes. Does it include some bills? Yeah. I mean, I guess the realism is fun?
Do you want some printable mail pieces too? Start by downloading this free printable.
What You Will Need
Free Mail Pieces Printable
Clear Gloss Spray (we used Krylon Clear Glaze)
Scissors (We love these Heavy Duty Tailor Scissors)
Indentation Pen (from this 8-piece Folding Set)
Glue Stick (Elmers Purple Glue)
Give the printout a good coat of Clear Glaze. Best to do this outside with plenty of ventilation. Allow to dry.
Trim around each piece. (Save paper scraps to fill envelopes as needed.)
Fold in at each faint fold line.
For trickier folds, an indentation tool works so well.
Use a small scrap of paper folded up to give each piece some bulk. Tuck it under the flaps.
Glue closed by using a small amount of stick glue. Leave some envelopes open if you like.
That’s it!
Now I’m trying to figure out how to simulate a tiny letter opener to cut open some of the tops.