The Miniaturist (Book Review)

“Every woman is the architect of her own fortune.”—Jessie Burton, The Miniaturist
I judged a book by its cover. I was not disappointed. I’ve read it twice now, so it was time to share—The Miniaturist.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not a book about miniatures. You won’t exactly find the history of the art or detailed instructions on tiny projects. Instead, it’s a story full of complex relationships—with a dash of magic. Maybe magic. (Look, I still have questions.) But, there are miniatures. And they are unique and perfect. And, the best part? The miniatures are mirrors of the real life of the collector.
I suppose next I’ll have to hunt down the BBC miniseries adaptation and see if it answers any of my questions. Like, what scale is the cabinet house?! Seriously, the description of the miniatures is enthralling! Have you read Jessie Burton’s The Miniaturist?