Sizing Your Dollhouse Floor
Simple Steps for Getting the Right Fit Every Time
If you’ve ever tried to install flooring back into the tiny corners of a dollhouse, you know frustration. Your dollhouse likely has a few weird angles and lines that aren’t quite straight. But having big weird gaps in the flooring simply isn’t an option.
To resolve this, we’ve found that creating a precise template of the floor will make installation a breeze. The best part? You only need some scraps of paper, a good pair of scissors and some tape.
Grab some paper. Anything will do. I’m using white letter weight.
Start in one corner, laying the paper flat against the wall. I started at the edge of a doorway.
Cut out smaller slices of paper to fill in the remaining floor.
When you are comfortable that each edge is flush with it’s wall, tape the sheets together.
If you run into any irregular edges (like this hidden corner beam), trim around them before taping the sheets in place.
Continue working along the walls in order.
Cut smaller pieces to work around corners.
Don’t be afraid to cut as many tiny pieces as needed to get the outside edges flush.
If you happen to have a spare piece of trim, it can be even easier to trace the contours.
Continue adding pieces to fill in around all of the walls.
Once your final piece is taped in place, you can lift out the template. Reinforce with extra tape as needed.